The girl who had fallen... Into her own Wonderland.



Name: Alvicia
Age: Twenty
FC: Kiyoshimo (Kantai Collection)
Date of Birth: September 13th
Height: 4'11
Weight: 167.6 Pounds
Appearance: Mint Colored Hair, Blue Crystal Eyes, and Fair Skin with Strawberry Pink Lips. Secret Tattoo at her right inner thigh.
Likes: Sweets, YUMMY FOOD, Reading, Writing, Photography, Supernatural Creatures, Affection, and Exploring.
Dislikes: Bitter Food, Abuse, Treated like a Child, No Affection, The Dark and continuous Prejudice, and Crying.
Lewd 18+
NSFW Info 18+
Ships W. Chem Only!
Submissive. Since she is greedy for affection, she likes to be submissive despite how much of a tease she can be. But if asked, she will be dominant.
Acting like a Pet. Yes, she likes to act like a pet and obey her Master's wishes. But she does have limits. She won't do the extreme.
Likes Rough. Yes, she does like rough sex. Even being grabbed and pin forcefully hair pulling, getting bit, and being spanked. But she doesn't like to be hit or punch. Brings bad memories.
BDSM. Tied up? Yes. Bondage? Yes. She pretty much likes that.
More will be mentioned.
Ever since she was born, Alvicia was always treated like a precious princess within her walls filled with luxury that her family sheltered her in. However... As she reached the age of five and had caused an accident, her father had gone to jail just because of a small mistake. It was for a few days but during those few days... Alvicia was left alone and was punished by being locked in a closet with nothing but darkness.
She hoped that when her father returned, he will forgive her and get her out of the darkness. But little did she know... Her father mentality prevented the girl from leaving but instead locked her in the darkness for a month.
After that hellish punishment and ten years, Alvicia had grown up and was forced to learn many things that her parents forced her to do. She was forced to learn instruments, singing, dancing, and maintaining a business. But during her time being taught with these lessons... What Alvicia really wanted was to do photography and adventure outside from the walls of solitude and rich minded parents.
So when she reached eighteen, she left her home and started to seek out the things she always wanted. Leaving her cruel family behind who always treated her like a princess.
During her time being eighteen years old, Alvicia always had to deal with people mistaking her age due to her appearance. And whenever she's in danger, she was always treated like a child which gave her an advantage. But after the third month of her life when she was kidnapped... People assumed she was dead.
But in truth? When she was at the kidnapper's hideout... Her body had mysteriously vanished. Appearing into a world that seemed to be hell... Before she became the bridge of peace for humanity and the supernatural.
Skills Friendly
The maiden can inspect the person's capabilities and body language. She even can sense auras from the individuals. No matter how small or big it is. But she may have limits depending on her health.
Night Visions
Unexpectedly, whenever she sleeps... She sometimes has weird visions. Sometimes they predict the future or sometimes warn her about the incoming events. So expect her to show up at the unexpected times.
Survival Intellect
Surprisingly a fan of horror movies, Alvicia took it upon herself to learn Survival 101. Basically, a survival geek that will help and assist others in surviving if they listen and follow her lead.
Physically, Alvicia is capable of destroying a robot with one swing. However, when it comes to individuals she can severely damage their bodies if she threw at full thrust. But since she only fights in self-defense even for sparring- she trains for Taekwondo during Wednesdays. Her current status for Taekwondo would be Black Stripe.
And with her strength and speed backing her up, she will be tough to handle.
Supernatural Ability
High Unnatural Durability
Due to living in Hell and accustoming to its unnatural habitat, her abilities had grown enough to have high durability against large blows from supernatural beings. However, even though her body can take damage without lethal injuries, the maiden still needs rest from lethal blows and will just nap to recover her strength if her body isn't accustomed to the blows.
INCOMING UPGRADE: Unnatural Deflection
With her Unnatural Durability generously being increased throughout her battles, her power has exceptionally increased. Now, whenever she takes damage, she can throw the massive blows she experienced- back at her opponents. But not by using their powers, just the accurate strength and weight behind each blows. So be wary whenever she fights for real in hand-to-hand combat!
Supernatural Immunity
Strangely enough, Alvicia was born to have immunity against supernatural advances. Such as charms, miasma, hypnosis, etc. And when she came across a higher arc demon who possesses people by their desires, she remained unaffected. Best to be wary when she can catch the opponent off guard.
First of all, I'm not lewding a minor for those who I ship with. Her FC is a LITERAL ship, AND the ship is 77 years old if you'll wanna go there. But I wouldn't lewd a child since that's wrong in MANY words that I can't express. So don't judge me because of my character appearance.
Two, I don't tolerate drama. So don't start giving me trouble and dragging me in it. I find drama stupid and immature. So please don't even start it with me.
Now Three, I am a friendly mun, I will help out by giving advice and be there to support you. So let's be friends and get to know each other so I can understand your triggers and what you tolerate.
All in all, let's have fun, got it?